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Showing posts from May, 2024

10 Tips For Cryptocurrency Trading You Probably Knew Nothing About

  10 Tips For Cryptocurrency Trading You Probably Knew Nothing About Every day we listen to reports on various news platforms about this or that with regard to cryptocurrencies and, with the recent market correction, the market has been in a state of confusion. Some, like ABC News as can seen in the video below, reported that there is a possible bubble in market prices months ago. But that’s exactly the issue; everyone seems to be pointing out the problem, but no one actually seems to be keen on providing solutions. And those that care enough to guide others, do so at a fee in the form of online courses, paid seminars, and more. This is why I saw the need to put up this post and provide some useful tips to guide your trading in a time when the market seems to be bullish. Other than the tips, I will also share with some of the most volatile cryptocurrencies you need to watch out for and the best one among them for day trading. These tips are more of safety rules; and as the soldiers